Merit Medical: A Local Company With a Global Focus Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity | October 25, 2021">值得医学:联合国'azienda地区反对联合国关注整体Ufficio del Governatore犹他州/ le报称opportunita economiche | 25 ottobre 2021
Same-day biopsy offers women greater peace of mind in breast cancer treatment KSL | October 7, 2021">La biopsia giornata offre阿莱多恩una马焦雷tranquillita nel trattamento del tumore senoKSL | 7 ottobre 2021
New surgical device benefits Mercy’s Arkansas patients Talk Business & Politics | April 11, 2021">诺沃dispositivo chirurgico一vantaggio一些pazienti degli ospedali慈爱在阿肯色州谈生意和政治| 11 aprile 2021
Distal Transradial Access: A Multidisciplinary Roundtable CathLab Digest | September 7, 2020">Accesso transradiale distale: una塔沃拉罗通达multidisciplinareCathLab消化| 7 settembre 2020
Interventional News: Unilateral Decision – Adopting a Unilateral Approach to Vertebral Compression Fractures Radiology Today Magazine | May 2020">Notizie interventistiche: decisione unilaterale——Adozione di联合国approccio unilaterale阿莱fratture da compressione vertebrale今天放射学杂志| Maggio 2020
As Utah’s Rate of Positive COVID-19 Tests Dips, the State OKs a Return to Elective Surgeries Salt Lake Tribune | April 22, 2020">Con la riduzione德尔迪positivita《人工智能测试COVID-19 nello犹他州,lo Stato approva il又是agli interventi chirurgici elettivi盐湖城论坛报》| 22 aprile 2020
Testing the Key to Reopening Economy, Returning Life to Normal, Officials Say Deseret News | April 21, 2020">测试每riaprire fondamentali l 'economia e riportare拉维塔真主安拉normalita, dicono我funzionari犹他州的别名新闻| 21 aprile 2020
The Challenge and Opportunity in Corporate Environmental Sustainability Efforts MPO (Medical Product Outsourcing) | April 1, 2020">Sfida e opportunita内尔iniziative di sostenibilita ambientale aziendaleMPO(医疗产品外包)| 1 aprile 2020
New Technology Implementation Thrives with System Wide Training and Support Hospital & Healthcare Management | February 6, 2020">Il successo戴尔'implementazione di una nuova tecnologia e garantito dalla formazione e野大白羊'assistenza livello di sistema (inglese)医院和医疗管理| 6 febbraio 2020
Reducing Risk of Central Line-Associated Blood Infection, Is there a role for using alcohol-impregnated caps around pediatric patients? NursesLabs | January 8, 2020">Riduzione del il rischio di infezioni ematiche副真主安拉线舟状骨,每l C搞航天'uso di cappucci impregnati di alcol nei pazienti pediatrici吗?NursesLabs | 8 gennaio 2020
Interventional News: A New Course Radiology Today Magazine | January 2020">Novita interventistiche:联合国莱·科索今天放射学杂志| Gennaio 2020
On-site dental frees up time for employees, increases productivity for employers Deseret News | December 21, 2019">每我dipendenti L 'odontoiatria在利比里亚的节奏,每我datori di lavoro aumenta la produttivita犹他州的别名新闻| 21 dicembre 2019
Incorporating Distal Radial Artery Access Into Clinical Practice Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology | November 21, 2019">Integrazione戴尔'accesso桡腕骨distale所以nella pratica我们诊断和介入心脏病学| 2019年11月21日
Making the Deal: Complementary Acquisition Strengthens Market Position VEIN Magazine | October 29, 2019">Affare脂肪:l 'acquisizione complementare rafforza la posizione di向来2019年| 29日ottobre静脉杂志
Coworkers Revive Colleague with AED at South Jordan Company KSL-TV (NBC Utah) | October 17, 2019">在维塔Riportano il collega con il DAE内尔'azienda迪南乔丹犹他州KSL-TV (NBC) | 17 ottobre 2019
Green Business Awards Honorees 2019 Utah Business | October 10, 2019">Vincitori一些绿色商业奖2019犹他州业务| 10 ottobre 2019
September 2019 Issue: Medtech’s 100 Largest Players Medical Design & Outsourcing | September 30, 2019">期di settembre 2019:勒100 maggiori aziende di医学技术医疗设计与外包| 30 settembre 2019
Technology Advances Benefit Women Undergoing Breast Cancer Treatment USA Today | September 24, 2019">我progressi tecnologici vanno一vantaggio delle多恩切si sottopongono每il tumore al seno治愈《今日美国》| 24 settembre 2019
2019 Healthcare Heroes Utah Business | September 6, 2019">医疗英雄2019犹他州业务| 6 settembre 2019
Merit Medical Launches Torpedo Gelatin Foam for Embolization of Hypervascular Tumors Endovascular Today | September 13, 2019">做值得医学蓝旗亚la schiuma di是鱼雷/ l 'embolizzazione一些肿瘤ipervascolari今天2019年| 13 settembre血管内
Home-based healthcare options in interventional radiology Mike Serle | Healthcare Purchasing News | September, 2019">在radiologia Opzioni sanitarie domiciliari interventistica迈克Serle |医疗采购新闻| Settembre 2019
Vice President Mike Pence Tours Merit Medical, Talks U.S., Mexico, Canada Agreement BioUtah | August 23, 2019">Il vicepresidente迈克便士visita优点医疗、parla戴尔'accordo交易Stati Uniti, Messico e加拿大BioUtah | 23 agosto 2019
Vice President Mike Pence visits South Jordan medical manufacturer ABC4 News | August 22, 2019">Il vicepresidente迈克便士visita l 'azienda书迪南乔丹ABC4新闻| 22 agosto 2019
Remarks by Vice President Pence on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement | South Jordan, UT Whitehouse | August 22, 2019">Osservazioni del vicepresidente便士黄化'accordo Stati Uniti-Messico-Canada |约旦南部,UT怀特豪斯| 22 agosto 2019
Merit Medical founder hopes to address these 3 things with Vice President Mike Pence ABC4 News | August 21, 2019">Il fondatore di值得医学实验di affrontare人们3 questioni con Il vicepresidente迈克便士ABC4新闻| 21 agosto 2019
One on one with the CEO of Merit Medical before VP Mike Pence’s visit KUTV 2 | August 21, 2019">Uno控制器Uno con l和谐di优点医疗的德拉visita del vicepresidente迈克便士KUTV 2 | 21 agosto 2019
Reducing the Burden of Breast Cancer Through Innovation Healthtech Outlook | August, 2019">Ridurre l 'onere del tumore al seno attraverso l 'innovazioneHealthtech前景| Agosto 2019
Check Your Health: New technology improves the breast cancer diagnosis process KUTV 2 | July 26, 2019">控制美第奇:la nuova tecnologia migliora il processo di diagnosi del tumore senoKUTV 2 | 26 luglio 2019
Q&A With One Of Utah’s Most Decorated Entrepreneurs: Fred ‘I Am Merit’ Lampropoulos South Jordan Journal | July 22, 2019">Domande e risposte con uno degli imprenditori稍decorati犹他州报称:弗雷德Lampropoulos“我的优点”约旦南部| 22 luglio 2019》杂志上
‘Acting’ Out And Up, Up, Up – The Continuing Epic Story Of Merit Medical’s Fred Lampropoulos South Jordan Journal | June 24, 2019">初Il阿e tanti altri又——连续l 'epica storia di弗雷德Lampropoulos di值得医学约旦南部| 24 giugno 2019》杂志上
Utah’s Merit Medical founder named Salt Lake Chamber ‘Giant in our City’ KSL | June 1, 2019">Il fondatore犹他州报称优点医疗nominato”Gigante所以nella萨·诺斯特拉异食癖”dalla盐湖室KSL | 1 giugno 2019
Interventional News: Prostate Artery Embolization for BPH Bhatia MD | Radiology Today | June/July, 2019">Novita interventistiche: embolizzazione戴尔'arteria prostatica /前列腺肥大Bhatia MD |放射学今天| Giugno / luglio 2019
Merit Medical’s PhD polycarbonate haemostasis valve now available in the US Interventional News | May 29, 2019">La valvola每emostasi policarbonato博士医疗e di优点ora disponibile negli Stati Unitimaggio 2019年介入新闻| 29日
Improving Quality of Care, Workflow Efficiency and Capacity with Wire-free Breast Tumor Localization Hospital & Healthcare Management | May 9, 2019">Miglioramento德拉qualita戴尔'assistenza,戴尔'efficienza del flusso di lavoro e德拉capacita con la localizzazione del tumore al seno无费罗医院和医疗管理| 9 maggio 2019
Productivity and Patient Benefits May Come From Wire-free Lumpectomy Imaging Technology News | April 24, 2019">Produttivita e vantaggi / le pazienti possono derivare dalla lumpectomia无费罗成像技术新闻| 24 aprile 2019
Big Banks Reach for Small Deals as Merger Boom Slows The Wall Street Journal | April 1, 2019">Le大人物banche puntano ai piccoli risparmiatori mentre il繁荣delle fusioni rallenta《华尔街日报》| 1 aprile 2019
Keep an Open Mind About Distal Radial Access CathLabDigest | March 5, 2019">Mente aperta黄化'accesso桡腕骨distaleCathLabDigest | 5 marzo 2019
Merit Medical CEO Fred Lampropoulos Lays Out Aggressive Growth Strategy, Including Opportunistic M&A medtech Conference | February 14, 2019">L和谐di优点医疗、弗雷德·Lampropoulos delinea una strategia di crescita aggressiva,反对fusioni e acquisizioni opportunistiche医学技术会议| 14 febbraio 2019
Use of the Interventional CRT Approach to Solve Issues With LV Lead Placement Worley MD and McKillop MD | Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology | January 21, 2019">Utilizzo戴尔'approccio interventistico CRT / risolvere我problemi con il posizionamento戴尔'elettrocatetere LV沃雷MD和麦克尔伯MD |诊断和介入心脏病学| 21 gennaio 2019
Automation helps medical device maker compete Assembly Magazine | January 4, 2019">L 'automazione consente ai produttori di dispositivi美第奇di essere competetivi组装杂志| 4 gennaio 2019
Steerable Microcatheter Facilitates Faster Vessel Selection, Resulting in Lower Procedure Time Hospital and Healthcare Management | December 2018">Il microcatetere orientabile facilita la selezione del vaso更快速地,riducendo la durata德拉procedura医院和医疗管理| Dicembre 2018
Making the Right Move: Use of the Distal Radial Artery Access in the Hand for Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Cath Lab Digest | December 2018">uso La mossa giusta:戴尔'accesso桡腕骨distale所以nella马诺/ l 'angiografia coronarica e gli interventi coronarici percutanei导管室消化| Dicembre 2018
Merit Medical puts $60m on the table for Vascular Insights +Mass Device | December 18, 2018">优点医疗offre 60 milioni di dollari /血管的见解+质量设备| 18 dicembre 2018
Merit Medical Acquires Assets of Vascular Insights Endovascular Today | December 17, 2018">值得医学acquisisce资产di血管的见解今天2018年| 17日dicembre血管内
Merit Medical Acquires Assets of Vascular Insights, LLC CardiacVascularNews | December 17, 2018">值得医学acquisisce le attivita di血管的见解,LLCCardiacVascularNews | 17 dicembre 2018
Prelude IDeal hydrophilic sheath launches Interventional News | December 14, 2018">德拉Lancio guaina idrofila前奏理想介入新闻| 14 dicembre 2018
Merit Announces the Release of Prelude IDeal Hydrophilic Sheath Introducer to EMEA Markets Cath Lab Digest | December 13, 2018">优点annuncia il rilascio戴尔'introduttore每guaina idrofila理想隋mercati EMEA的序幕导管室消化| 13 dicembre 2018
EmboCube embolization gelatin granted FDA approval for embolization of hypervascular tumours Interventional News | November 30, 2018">做拉是每embolizzazione EmboCube ha ottenuto l 'approvazione德拉FDA / l 'embolizzazione一些肿瘤ipervascolari介入新闻| 2018年11月30日
Merit Medical Receives FDA Clearance for EmboCube Embolization Gelatin Endovascular Today | November 29, 2018">值得医学riceve l 'autorizzazione dalla FDA每做拉是embolizzazione EmboCube血管内今天| 2018年11月29日
Merit acquires Cianna and announces multimillion-dollar investment Cleanroom Technology | November 23, 2018">优点acquisisce Cianna e annuncia联合国银行di diversi milioni di dollari洁净室技术| 2018年11月23日
Merit Medical grows footprint in Utah Plastics Today | November 21, 2018">值得医学aumenta l 'impronta nello犹他州今天塑料| 2018年11月21日
Merit Puts a Bow On Cianna Medical Acquisition Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry | November 14, 2018">优点mette la parola好所有'acquisizione di Cianna医疗医疗设备和诊断行业| 2018年11月14日
Merit Medical closes $200m Cianna Medical buy +Mass Device | November 14, 2018">值得医学chiude l 'acquisto di Cianna每200 milioni di dollari医疗+质量设备| 2018年11月14日
Merit Medical Completes Acquisition of Cianna Medical Imaging Technology News | November 14, 2018">值得医疗completa l 'acquisizione di Cianna医疗成像技术新闻| 2018年11月14日
Interventional News: Intuitive Pain Relief, By James G. Carlisle, MD Radiology Today | October 2018">Novita interventistiche: sollievo dal dolore intuitivo, di詹姆斯·g·卡莱尔放射学今天| Ottobre 2018
Merit recognized as one of the top revenue growth companies in Utah Mountain West Capital Network | October 30, 2018">优点riconosciuta来una delle principali公司反对crescita degli utili nello犹他州西部山区资本网络| 2018年ottobre 30日
The merits of a 100 year business plan – an interview with Fred Lampropoulos Interventional News | October 17, 2018">100年我meriti di联合国钢琴aziendale di安妮:intervista弗雷德Lampropoulos介入新闻| 17 ottobre 2018
Merit Medical To Host Live Online Training On Distal Transradial Access Technique Cath Lab Digest | October 2, 2018">值得医学ospita联合国corso di formazione在线dal vivo苏拉tecnica di accesso transradiale distale导管室消化| 2 ottobre 2018
Merit Medical to acquire Cianna Medical for up to $200m +Mass Device | October 2, 2018">值得医学acquisisce Cianna每200 milioni di dollari医疗+质量设备| 2 ottobre 2018
Fred Lampropoulos introduces the BasixTau inflation device Interventional News | September 20, 2018">弗雷德Lampropoulos介绍il dispositivo di gonfiaggio BasixTau介入新闻| 20 settembre 2018
Merit significantly expands biopsy portfolio with release of new bone biopsy systems Interventional News | September 19, 2018">优点amplia significativamente il portafoglio delle soluzioni每biopsia con il rilascio di服务sistemi di biopsia ossea介入新闻| 2018年settembre 19日
3 Questions With Bob Evans: Fred Lampropoulos, CEO and Founder of Merit Medical Fox 13 News Utah | September 16, 2018">3 domande con鲍勃埃文斯:弗雷德·Lampropoulos广告e di fondatore值得医学福克斯13新闻犹他州| 16 settembre 2018
Merit Medical Named Exclusive Distributor of Q50® PLUS Vascular News | July 10, 2018">值得医学nominata Distributore esclusivo di Q50®优先血管新闻| 10 luglio 2018
Merit Medical Named Exclusive Distributor of Q50® PLUS Cath Lab Digest | July 9, 2018">值得医学nominata Distributore esclusivo di Q50®优先导管室消化| 9 luglio 2018
I-CRT: Challenging the Conventional Approach to LV Lead Placement, Literally and Figuratively Seth Worley, MD | EP Lab Digest | June 2018">I-CRT: sfida戴尔'approccio convenzionale al posizionamento戴尔'elettrocatetere LV,在感官letterale e figurato赛斯沃雷博士实验室消化| | EP Giugno 2018
Merit Medical Announces Lectures and Panel Discussions On Interventional CRT During Heart Rhythm Society Meeting EP Lab Digest | May 10, 2018">值得医学annuncia conferenze e tavole rotonde苏拉CRT interventistica杜兰特拉德拉riunione心律的社会maggio消化| 2018 EP实验室
25 Years of Transradial Ferdinand Kiemeneij, MDEP | Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology | February 22, 2018">25岁的安妮di accesso transradiale费迪南德Kiemeneij, MDEP |诊断和介入心脏病学| 22 febbraio 2018
VIDEO: History of Radial Artery Access Ferdinand Kiemeneij, MDEP | Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology | February 22, 2018">视频:Storia戴尔'accesso所有'arteria桡腕骨费迪南德Kiemeneij, MDEP |诊断和介入心脏病学| 22 febbraio 2018
BD completes asset divestitures to Merit Medical Mass Device | February 15, 2018">BD completa le cessioni di资产价值的医学质量设备| 2018年febbraio 15日
BD completes asset divestitures to Merit Medical Healthcare Purchasing News | February 15, 2018">BD completa le cessioni di资产价值的医学医疗采购febbraio新闻| 2018