
预防感染疾病的功绩-双cap -功绩医疗


Nel 1987年的功绩è创造一个政党的先声:一个单一的祖国più sicura e resistance。疏忽终极32尼,阿比阿默连续任务eredità我创新,斯瓦路潘多我的migliori处置我的sicurezza和预防和感染的好处,卫生操作和卫生系统的一般。


Sistema di disinfezione e protezione DualCap®


DualCap® Disinfection & Protection System, a unique disinfecting cap system for use on both the male luer connector at the end of the IV tubing and the needle-free valve. Clinical evidence shows that the male luer connector can become contaminated up to 37% and the needle-free valve up to 24%, routinely causing vascular device cross-contamination.3">灿烂的天空,灿烂的天空,灿烂的天空,灿烂的天空,灿烂的天空,灿烂的天空,灿烂的天空,灿烂的天空,美丽的天空è il灭菌蛋白双帽®UN esclusivo sistema di cappucci disinfettanti da utilizzare sia sul connettore luer maschio all'estremità del tubo endovenoso che la valvola senza ago。La证据诊所,最好的che il连接,luer maschio può污染,不干净的37% e La valvola senza,不干净的24%,常规的原因,污染,crociata, del dispositivo血管。3.

二醇醇异丙醇,二醇异丙醇。这是我的生命之路,我的生命之路,我的生命之路,我的生命之路,我的生命之路,我的生命之路è我的生命之路。Entro 30 second, DualCap non solo disinfetta, ma fornisce anche una barriera fisica真主安拉pollution per un massimo di 7 giorni。4 *

Learn more about how the DualCap helps to protect patients.">Scopri di più su come il DualCap aiuta proteggere i pazienti。

Prodotti di sicurezza

BackStop®MiniStop®BackStop+, and MiniStop+. Our temporary sharps holders, the ShortStop® and ShortStop Advantage®, are intuitively designed to prevent sharps injuries. And PAL – Pen and Labels and Medallion® Syringes streamline medication labeling, helping to facilitate compliance with national safety goals.">这是我的生命之源,我的生命之源,我的生命之源,我的生命之源支持®规模®支持+e规模+.我只知道暂时的思想,游击手®e游击手的优势®,在我的直觉中,在我的直觉中,在我的直觉中,在我的直觉中。E勒Penne ed etichette PALeSiringhe奖章®为国家的利益,为国家的利益做出贡献。

Explore all of Merit’s Safety & Waste Management and Infection Prevention products.">一种方法,一种方法,一种方法,一种方法,一种方法,一种方法。

Opportunita didattiche

Think Safety and Infection Prevention program, a series of educational opportunities designed to help clinicians learn about techniques, tools, and methods that can improve patient outcomes and prevent HAIs as well as costly medical errors. Attendees can participate in live and recorded webinars and educational events throughout the year and learn the latest patient and clinician safety and infection prevention.">Offriamo anche il计划预防传染病, una serie di opportunità didattiche概念,每一个爱的我的医疗,一个心灵的技术,结构的mettodi che所有的migliori risultati dei paliente预防乐海nonché costosi错误的医疗。我参与了,所有,所有,参与了,注册的网络会议,一个教育的事件,一个教育的课程,一个教育的课程,一个教育的课程,一个教育的课程,一个教育的课程,一个教育的课程,一个教育的课程,一个教育的课程,一个教育的课程


2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017 Dec 4). Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/winnablebattles/report/HAIs.html
3. Lopansri BK, et al. Does the Partner Matter? (SHEA 2011, Paper 4539).
4. DualCap® IV Pole StripsTM Disinfectant Caps for Male Luers and Luer Access Valves Instructions for Use. Catheter Connections.
* Under normal conditions if not removed">RIFERIMENTI
3.Lopansri BK,等。合作伙伴重要吗?(SHEA 2011, Paper 4539)。