May is National Osteoporosis Month, an important time we recognize at Merit Medical. Although honored in the US, osteoporosis is a global issue. Osteoporosis causes bones to weaken, and recent statistics show that worldwide, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 years will experience osteoporotic fractures in their lifetime. "> Maggio è俄罗斯国家骨质疏松症,这是功绩医学庆祝的重要时刻。骨质疏松问题è全球问题。L 'osteoporosiFa indebolire le ossa estatistiche recenti证据,1多娜苏3 e 1 uomo苏5迪età superiore ai 50 anni subiranno骨折骨质疏松nel Corso Della loro vita。
almost twice as common as other fractures caused by osteoporosis. Osteoporotic fractures can lead to long-term pain and even be life threatening.">Le骨折da压缩性椎体,o VCF, sono骨折骨质疏松症più commi -准due volte più comuni骨折可导致骨质疏松。骨折,骨质疏松,所有病因都是痛苦的,肺脏都是致命的。
1唐娜苏3 e 1 uomo苏5迪età superiore艾50阿尼
wide range of innovative tools for vertebral augmentation (kyphoplasty) and vertebroplasty treatments.">每一件事都是如此创新amia gamma di strucumenti innovativi每椎体增生(cifoplastica).
Merit’s steerable Arcadia™ Balloon-Assisted Vertebral Augmentation System helped her resume an active lifestyle.">为施泰纳夫人献上祝福,为施泰纳夫人献上祝福,为施泰纳夫人献上祝福,为施泰纳夫人献上祝福“脊椎可定向的成长系统”我爱你,我爱你。
Arcadia™ Next Generation Balloon Catheter">阿卡迪亚新世代的宴会™
StabiliT® MX Vertebral Augmentation System">脊椎增生性系统MX稳定®
STAR™ Tumor Ablation System">肿瘤燃烧系统STAR™