Informativa sulla privacy di Merit Medical荷兰BV

Questa è荷兰B.V., Amerikalaan 42, 6199 AE Maastricht-Airport, Paesi Bassi ("Noi", "Ci"), che ' stabilisce le basi su cui raccogliamo and elaboriamo i suoi dati。


  • Per le finalità表示nel modulo di consenso marketing;
  • 根据协商一致的原则(第6 (1)(a)条规定的一般法律规定的权利);
  • Finché没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利。



未来的隐私sarà通过电子邮件通知。La nuova versione modificata o emendata dell'Informativa苏拉隐私si applicherà partire dalla数据在崔乐verrà邀请。

[email protected] or by postal mail at:
Merit Medical Nederland B.V.
Amerikalaan 42,
6199 AE Maastricht Airport
The Netherlands
Attention: Legal Department.">Possiamo essere contattati通过电子邮件所有的indirizzo(电子邮件保护)Oppure per posta:
6199 AE马斯特里赫特机场
Ufficio Legale。

[email protected]">Il nostro responsible della protezione dei dati può essere contattato all'indirizzo(电子邮件保护)

Ai seni della legge苏拉protezione dei protezione dei dati适用,lei può avere i seguenti diritti (che potrebbero essere limitati dalla rispetiva legge national苏拉protezione dei dati适用)。我爱你,我爱你,我爱你。Oltre ai diritti elencati di seguto, ha anche il diritto di presentare un reclamo presso un'autorità di vigilanza苏拉protezione dei dati:

Withdrawal of consent: If you have declared your consent for any personal data processing activities, you can withdraw this consent at any time with future effect. Such a withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the consent withdrawal.">(一)同意撤销:Se ha dichiarato il so consenso per qualsiasi attività di trattamento dei dati person, può在未来的qualsiasi momento con effetto future中撤销故事共识。故事撤销非pregiudicherà la liceità先前的约定真主安拉撤销一致同意。

Right of access: You may have the right to obtain from us confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is processed, and, where that is the case, to request access to the personal data. The access right includes – inter alia – information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned, and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed. However, this is not an absolute right and the interests of other individuals may restrict your right of access.">(B)附属品:Può在天堂,在天堂,在天堂,在天堂,在天堂,在天堂,在天堂,在天堂,在天堂。我有权理解,有权访问,有权访问,有权访问finalità我有权访问,有权访问,有权访问,有权访问,有权访问,有权访问,有权访问,有权访问,有权访问,有权访问。Tuttavia,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利,没有权利。


Right to rectification: You may have the right to obtain from us the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you. Depending on the purposes of the processing, you may have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.">(C)Diritto真主安拉rettifica:我有我的隐私,我有我的隐私,我有我的隐私,我有我的隐私。第二代finalità不完整的个人资料,不完整的个人资料,不完整的个人资料,不完整的个人资料。

Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”): Under certain circumstances, you may have the right to obtain from us the erasure of personal data concerning you and we may be obliged to erase such personal data.">(D)Diritto真主安拉cancellazione (" Diritto all' oblo "):在确定的情况下,potrà我有权有权有权有权有权有权有权有权有权有权有权

Right to restriction of processing: Under certain circumstances, you may have the right to obtain from us restriction of processing your personal data. In this case, the respective data will be marked and may only be processed by us for certain purposes.">(E)Diritto真主安拉limitazione del trattamento:在确定的情况下,potrà我知道我的问题,我的问题,我的限制,我的行为,我个人的想法。在caso的问题中,根据确定的范围,我有权有权有权。

Right to data portability: Under certain circumstances, you may have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you may have the right to transmit those data to another entity without hindrance from us.">(F)Diritto真主安拉portabilità dei dati:在确定的情况下,potrà在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中,在一种形式的结构中。

Right to object: Under certain circumstances, you may have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to the processing of your personal data by us and we can be required to no longer process your personal data. You may have the same right with regard to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, respectively to the processing, including profiling to the extent that same is related to such direct marketing.">(G)diopporsi:年青一代在决定性circostanze avere il diritto di opporsi每motivi legati真主安拉sua situazione particolare,在qualsiasi纪念品al trattamento一些suoi personali哒部分萨·诺斯特拉达蒂e年青一代ci essere richiesto di非trattare稍我suoi personali达蒂。Può在我的个人生活中,在我的生活中finalità在我的生活中,在我的生活中,在我的生活中,在我的故事中,在我的故事中。