Microsfere Embosphere®
Embosphere Microspheres are the most clinically studied and clinically proven round embolic, providing you consistent and predictable results for effective embolization. Elastic properties allow temporary compression of up to 33%,1 facilitating smooth microcatheter passage. Microspheres return to stated diameter after delivery, contributing to durable and targeted results.">微细的,微细的,微细的,微细的,微细的,微细的,微细的,微细的,微细的,微细的Le proprietà颞部松弛松弛33%,1为你的小餐桌提供便利。这是一个小的,小的,小的,小的,小的。
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Microsfere EmboGold®
EmboGold Microspheres are colored to enhance visualization during handling while still offering you the controlled, targeted embolization characteristics of Embosphere Microspheres. EmboGold Microspheres are biocompatible, hydrophilic, non-resorbable, and precisely calibrated. The product is provided in a pre-filled syringe for easy handling, superior procedural efficiency, and enhanced safety for your procedures.">微珠彩绘金色微珠彩绘在微珠彩绘中,微珠彩绘在微珠彩绘中。Le microsfere EmboGold sono biocompatibili, idrofile, non riassorbibili e calibrate conprecisione。Il prodotto è fornito in una siringa pre riempita per una facile impugnatura, una maggiore efficienza procedure e una maggiore sicurezza per le procedure。
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Microsfere HepaSphere™(solo al di fuori degli Stati Uniti)
HepaSphere Microspheres are calibrated, spherical, hydrophilic microspheres made with a proprietary copolymer design that allows them to expand approximately 4x their dry-state matter, providing you with complete and targeted occlusion of the blood vessels.">微小的HepaSphere声纳微小的校准,灵敏的图像,实现与设计合作的专利,同意的loro di espandersi di大约4 volte rispetto真主安拉loro sostanza allo stato secco, garantendo unocclusione完整的bersaglio dei vasi sanguigni。
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microsere QuadraSphere®(单独Stati Uniti)
QuadraSphere Microspheres are soft and easily conform to the vessel lumen for complete occlusion that offers you several benefits, including a decreased risk of vessel recanalization,2 enabling greater tumor necrosis3,4 and an enhanced embolic effect.2">微小的四度空间,在不同的空间内,在不同的空间内,在不同的空间内,2肿瘤坏死同意3、4E联合国的无效栓塞。2
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明胶/ embolizzazione EmboCube®
Merit Medical’s EmboCube Embolization Gelatin brings speed, precision, and consistency to gelatin foam. EmboCube is uniformly cut gelatin foam pre-loaded into a Medallion® Syringe, allowing for faster preparation and accurate delivery. Also available in a simple kit for your convenience.">La gelatina per embolizzazione EmboCube di Merit Medical offre velocità, precisione e coerenza真主安拉schiuma di gelatina。EmboCube è una schiuma di gelatina tagliata uniformemente precaricata in una siringa Medallion®,che同意书una preparazione più rapida e una somministrazione accurata。Disponibile anche in un semplice kit per la vostra comodità。
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Schiuma di gelatina鱼雷™
Torpedo Gelatin Foam provides you with a preshaped gelatin foam loaded into a cartridge with an optional blunt stylet, removing the need for manual foam shaping, offering fast and easy attachment to the catheter for delivery. Easy to prepare and use, Torpedo Gelatin foam requires only hydration with a 50:50 saline-to-contrast mixture.">鱼饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵饵。轻松的准备和使用,鱼胶的schiuma di gelatina鱼雷,单独的idratazione con una miscela 50:50 di soluzione salina e contrasto。
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Bearing nsPVA Embolization Particles are irregularly shaped, biocompatible, hydrophilic, nonresorbable particles produced from polyvinyl alcohol. To support your procedures, these particles are intended to provide vascular occlusion or reduction of blood flow within target vessels upon selective placement through a variety of catheters. Size distribution of Bearing nsPVA is more tightly calibrated than the leading competitor.5">含nsPVA的栓子粒子,可生物相容性粒子,可生物相容性粒子,原醇。一个supporto delle过程,让人们particelle园子destinate fornire l 'occlusione vascolare o la riduzione del flusso sanguigno所有'interno一些vasi bersaglio dopo il posizionamento selettivo attraverso una varieta di cateteri。La分布量纲di轴承nsPVA è calibrata in modo più preciso rispetto ai principali concorrenti。5
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The SwiftNINJA is a straight tip catheter that articulates up to 180 degrees in opposing directions to rapidly select the most challenging vascular ostium and provide you with in vivo, multidimensional steering and control.">SwiftNINJA è un catetere a punta dritta che si articola fino a 180 gradi in direzioni对面per selezionare rapidamente l'ostio vascolare più艰难的艰难的fornire una guida e uncontrollo多维体内。
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Microcateteri Merit pursuit™
Merit Pursue Microcatheters are small distal French-size microcatheters designed for pushability and trackability through small and tortuous vessels. The small outer diameter allows you to get deeper into the vasculature and still deliver the same spherical and non-spherical embolics of larger diameter microcatheters.">我微型食堂追求的价值,sono piccoli微型食堂,distali di dimensioni francesi progettati per la spinta e la tracciabilità attraverso vasi piccoli e tortuosi。我的直径esterno ridotto同意di到达più在profondità内内,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞,血管栓塞。
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Merit Maestro Microcatheters are designed to deploy coils up to 0.018″ and embolics up to and including 900 µm. Its swan neck design helps you seat the catheter in the vessel, reducing the recoiling effect of the embolic agent as it is introduced. Other features include a flexible distal region designed for atraumatic vessel entry and hydrophilic coating for smooth traction through tortuous anatomy.">我微食堂功绩大师sono progettati per distribuire螺旋菲诺a 0.018″e agenti栓塞菲诺a 900 μ m包括。我所设计的一个colo di cigno aiuta a posizionare Il catetere nel vaso, riavvolgimento del ' agenente embolico durante la suduzione。卡拉提提包括一个地区,遥远的,有肉的progettata,每一个在无伤大雅的,不受伤害的,和不受伤害的vaso,和,idrofilo,每一个在无伤大雅的,解剖的,解剖的年龄。
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Fili guida rimodellabili True Form™
The True Form Reshapable Guide Wire is a 0.014″ guide wire designed with the ability to be shaped multiple times and keep its shape during procedures. The hydrophilic coating and flexible shaft help you navigate tortuous anatomy while the stainless steel core gives you excellent support for devices.">Il filo guida True Form rimodellabile è un filo guida da 0.014″progettato con la capacità di essere modelellato più volte e di mantenere la sua forma durante le procedure。我爱你,我爱你,我爱你,我爱你,我爱你,我爱你。
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Fili guida orientabili男高音®
Exceptional pushability and torqueability are combined in the Tenor Steerable Guidewire to facilitate precise navigation in challenging anatomy during your embolic procedures. Market evaluation showed that more than 80% of users rated the Tenor 0.018″ as superior or equivalent to their current wire across all key product attributes.5">在艰难的解剖过程中,手术栓塞术中,可定向的转体,脊柱,扭转,扭转,结合。La valutazione del mercato ha dimostrato che oltre l'80% degli utenti ha giudicato il Tenor 0.018″superior o等效真主安拉loro attuale fune metallica in tutti gli attributi chiave del prodotto。5
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phone, email, and live chat to answer any questions you may have.">Siamo disponibili tramite电话号码,电子邮件e聊天dal vivo每个rispondere都有一个合适的位置。
bob sports together to obtain more product knowledge and insights.">每一条河流都有价值,每一条河流都有价值视频在condizioni di servizio在我的耳朵里,我的眼睛里,我的眼睛里。
- Laurent A等,1996。用于治疗性栓塞的三丙烯酸明胶微球,I:开发和体外评估。Am J Neuroradial 17,不对。3(3月):533-540。PMID: 8881250。
- Bilbao J et al. 2008。动物模型中四种不同球形栓塞颗粒的比较研究:形态学和组织学评价。J Vasc Interv Radiol 19, no。11(十一月):1625-1638。PMID: 18823795。
- 李赫等。2008。在肝癌动物模型中经导管动脉栓塞后含氧化铁的栓塞颗粒的分布:磁共振成像评估和治疗意义。J Vasc Interv Radiol 19, no。10(10): 1490-1496。PMID: 18755602。
- 王永祥等。2015。“肝癌经导管栓塞治疗:临床证据的更新”。Chin J Cancer Res 27, no。2(四月):96-121。PMID: 25937772。
- 档案馆里的达蒂。