Waste reduction plan

MERIT SMART SHIPPING ™ : product packaging comments with promising results

Intelligent navigation - reducing waste of shipping - Merit Medical Merit first seek ways to reduce consumption and protect the resources, the second for the recycling of resources.To this end, we continuously challenge our process, and shall be responsible for the results.As an additional aspect of our Merit intelligent transportation plan, the Merit has begun a commitment for many years, further promote the intelligent transportation, and review all of our products in order to reduce packaging.We have a goal in your heart, eliminating all unnecessary packaging.By evaluating our customers how to order and use our products, and then look for opportunities to eliminate redundant materials, such as the middle box, packing filler and the number of delivery, so as to realize this goal.In the first year of implementation, we eliminate records to save about 211000 pounds of material, including box and packing.We look forward to report this project in year after year in the future.Learn more -

Liquidation plan

In order to reduce the food sent to landfill garbage, Merit in Salt Lake City branch launched the liquidation plan XNUMX month in 2019.By working with a company dealing with food waste, Merit Cafe food particles is converted to natural gas, now provide energy for the family.The rest of the food waste is converted to a local farm manure.From the beginning, we have already transfer and continue a year from local transfer thousands of pounds of food waste landfill site.By doing so, we can help prevent methane gases into the atmosphere, leading to the town of salt lake in Utah winter inversion.

MERIT internal transport

Millions of products in Merit transport between manufacturing and distribution facilities.For the Merit of internal travel, we have complete the transition to a reusable tray and innovative way to transport bulk containers of products, thereby significantly reducing the internal transport materials.

Utah business green business award in 2021

Utah green business award

Merit the global headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah won the 2021 green business award, the award recognizes the positive progress in promoting the sustainable development of community in Utah organizations and individuals.Merit in the category of enterprise initiative special won now and in the future to reduce the company's impact on the environment and take feasible measures.

The paperless work order

We have started to implement our internal design eWORQ plan, will we at Salt Lake City, Merit operating lines from paper work order into electronic work order.Our company's headquarters in the pilot program was started in 2019, it reduces the number of printing paper in our production process.Once in all of our production base, the full implementation of our estimate eWORQ plan can save millions of paper and thousands of plastic casing.

Energy and natural resources protection

Electric vehicle charging station Electric vehicle charging station

In order to encourage more and more hope to reduce the carbon footprint the Merit of the staff, we in Salt Lake City, Utah and Ireland Galway factory installed electric vehicle charging stations.The electric car charger provided free of charge to our employees, and by preventing automobile emissions to help our community.

Heating and cooling Efficient heating and cooling

Our campus all over the world use energy-saving variable frequency drives (VFDS) for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.We also recently in the operation of sensor using the water cooling system for the machines, used for cooling water is recycled, can save hundreds of thousands of gallons of water per month.

Excellent water saving campus Reduce water consumption

One of our 2030 environmental sustainability objectives is to reduce our overall strength with water.To this end, we implement plan and measures, and put money in our global division more efficient use of water resources.For example, in our company headquarters is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, we have already removed more than 75% of the water on campus intensive grass, and drought-resistant plants and shrubs decorative rock and low water instead.Only the xeriscaping project can save about XNUMX every year thousands of gallons of water.

LED bulbs The transition to LED lighting

We are all the world division of transition from the use of traditional lighting to use LED bulbs.

From farm to table - from the Merit Gardens to the cafeteria Farm to table

In Merit Salt, Salt lake city our farm to table plan includes a big garden and exclusive greenhouse, part used to grow fruit and vegetables, for the use of two of our coffee shop in the company.In 2021, we provide more than 2500 pounds of fresh agricultural products.The program not only for our valuable team members provide fresh, nutritious, seasonal agricultural products, also reduced the number of agricultural products shipped to our factory, will help to reduce our impact on the environment.In addition to the rich nutrition food, garden planted trees and shrubs of oxygen in order to protect the pollination insects.

More than 5400 pounds of fresh agricultural products through our U - Pick plan distribution to Merit employees on weekdays, we began to encourage our team to visit the garden a breath of fresh air and sunshine, picking fresh produce and to participate in the activities of garden planting. Employees also can sign up to receive the garden box, a box can be for himself and his family planted himself in the whole growing season of fresh agricultural products.Our garden knowledgeable staff to help you at any time, planting techniques and their professional knowledge.We are a total of 2021 growing season produced more than 10000 pounds of fresh agricultural products.

To reduce consumption, reuse, recycling utilization of resources

Recycling - ISO 14001 Do what we can from the local landfill waste is our ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) is an important aspect.Each month, we try to by recycling corrugated paper tray, paper, plastic, metal, and the oil production process to reduce the impact on the communities we serve.In 2021, the branch of our global recycling the wastes generated by the operation of more than 20000 MT.We recognize that there is more work to do, and try to increase each year recycling, find a way to reduce the total waste.

Reduce waste of a good example is our internal system, in the internal system we use reusable plastic suitcase and tray to transport components between the company and products.This greatly reduces the corrugated paper and usage of packaging materials.The world has more than eight manufacturing center millions of pieces of cargo transportation between different locations throughout the year and therefore box and transport materials reduce indeed considerable.

Through the ISO certification support sustainable development

ISO certification In 2019, Merit began by international standard organization (ISO) in our environmental health and safety management system (EHSMS) for certification.Merit EHSMS aims to solve the management environment, health and safety (EHS) compliance comply with local and global regulations, and through the monitoring, measurement and report to promote the supervision of our management system.

At the beginning of 2019, we set a goal, by the end of 14001, all eight major production base through the ISO 2021 environmental management certification, and by the end of 45001 through the ISO 2022 certification (occupational health and safety management).We are through the ISO 50001 on our energy management system (EnMS) certification.

The following figure shows we are in progress to achieve the goal.As we continue to seek continuous improvement in these important areas, Merit throughout the organization has experienced the real changes, these changes to support us to achieve the sustainable development of the plans and goals.

The sustainable development of Merit Medical related ISO certification
Merit position The ISO 14001 environmental ISO 45001 health and safety ISO 50001 energy
Salt Lake City, Utah
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