In February of 1976, President Gerald R. Ford officially recognized Black History Month. In his message to the nation, he called this observance an “opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout history.”"> 1976年xnumx月,杰拉尔德·r·福特总统正式承认黑人历史月。在他的给全国的信息,他称这次纪念活动是“纪念美国黑人在历史上各个领域的努力中经常被忽视的成就的机会。”
为了纪念这一重要时刻,我们收集了 10 位黑人临床医生的鼓舞人心的故事,他们突破界限,打破壁垒,挑战刻板印象,颠覆传统观念
Dr. James Durham bought his freedom and started a medical practice in New Orleans, LA, becoming the first Black American physician in the United States. As a previous slave to many physicians, he learned how to read and write and work with patients. This experience led to an active medical practice until 1801 when the city restricted his practice for not having a formal medical degree.">生而为奴,詹姆斯·达勒姆博士他买下了自由并在路易斯安那州新奥尔良开始了行医,成为美国第一位美国黑人医生。作为许多医生以前的奴隶,他学会了如何阅读和写作以及如何与病人打交道。直到 1801 年,该市以没有正式医学学位为由限制了他的行医,这段经历促成了他积极的医疗实践。
Rebecca Lee Crumpler graduated from the New England Female Medical College in Boston, MA, and became the first Black woman in the United States to receive a medical degree. Dr. Crumpler also went on to author A Book of Medical Discourses: In Two Parts. Published in 1883, the book addressed children’s and women’s health.">1864年,丽贝卡·李·克鲁普勒毕业于马萨诸塞州波士顿的新英格兰女子医学院,成为美国第一位获得医学学位的黑人女性。Crumpler博士还继续创作医学论述一书:分为两部分.该书于 1883 年出版,论述了儿童和妇女的健康问题。
Mary Eliza Mahoney is recognized as the first Black American licensed nurse. Realizing her dream at a young age, as a teen she began working at the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston, MA. There she worked for 15 years in different positions, from janitor and cook, to washer woman and nurse’s aide. She completed the hospital’s nursing program and earned her professional license in 1879.">玛丽·伊丽莎·马奥尼被公认为第一位获得美国黑人执照的护士。在她很小的时候就实现了自己的梦想,十几岁的时候,她开始在马萨诸塞州波士顿的新英格兰妇女儿童医院工作。她在那里工作了 15 年,担任过不同的职位,从看门人和厨师,到洗衣妇和护士助理。她完成了医院的护理课程,并于 1879 年获得了专业执照。
小威廉·爱德华·艾伦(1903 ~ 1981)
William Edward Allen, Jr., was the first Black American certified x-ray technician. He established one of the first approved residencies in radiology for minorities in the late 1930s. Through his work, he helped to advance radiology as a science and a profession and received the American College of Radiology Gold Medal. Later his research helped fuel advancements in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy.">小威廉·爱德华·艾伦,是第一位获得美国黑人认证的x射线技师。他在 1930 年代后期建立了首批批准的少数民族放射学住院医师之一。通过他的工作,他帮助推动了放射学作为一门科学和一门专业的发展,并获得了美国放射学会金质奖章。后来,他的研究帮助推动了核医学和放射疗法的进步。
Dr. Charles Richard Drew pioneered blood preservation techniques that led to lifesaving blood donations and transfusions. During World War II, he directed the Blood for Britain project, which provided lifesaving plasma to England. He also led the first American Red Cross Blood Bank and created mobile blood donation stations now known as bloodmobiles.">“血库之父”查尔斯·理查德·德鲁博士开创了血液保存技术,导致了挽救生命的献血和输血。第二次世界大战期间,他指导了“为英国献血”项目,该项目为英国提供了拯救生命的血浆。他还领导了第一家美国红十字会血库,并创建了现在称为血车的移动献血站。
Dr. Beauregard Johnson was the first Black American physician to be elected as a fellow to the American College of Cardiology. He was a pioneer in cardiac angiography and catheterization, helping pave the way for minimally invasive procedures. He was also one of the first cardiologists to bring attention to the high risk of hypertension and its disparate effects among the Black community.">博雷加德·约翰逊博士他是第一位当选为美国心脏病学会院士的美国黑人医生。他是心脏血管造影术和导管插入术的先驱,帮助为微创手术铺平了道路。他也是最早关注高血压的高风险及其在黑人社区中的不同影响的心脏病专家之一。
迈拉·阿黛尔·洛根(米拉·阿黛尔·洛根)、医学博士(1908 ~ 1977)
Myra Adele Logan graduated from New York Medical College. She went on to become the first woman to perform open heart surgery. Dr. Logan’s work also involved the development of antibiotics, including aureomycin; early detection and treatment of breast cancer; and x-ray processes that more accurately detected tumors.">1933年,迈拉·阿黛尔·洛根毕业于纽约医学院。她后来成为第一位进行心脏直视手术的女性。洛根博士的工作还涉及抗生素的开发,包括金霉素;早期发现和治疗乳腺癌;和更准确地检测肿瘤的X射线过程。
Louis Wade Sullivan went on to become the only black student in his class at Boston University School of Medicine, where he later served as faculty. In 1975, he became founding dean and president of the Morehouse School of Medicine—the first predominantly Black medical school in the United States. Later in his career, he served as secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he directed the formation of the Office of Minority Programs.">在他成长过程中受到自己医生的启发,路易斯·韦德·沙利文继续成为波士顿大学医学院班上唯一的黑人学生,后来他在那里担任教员。1975 年,他成为莫尔豪斯医学院的创始院长兼校长,这是美国第一所以黑人为主的医学院。在他职业生涯的后期,他曾担任美国卫生与公众服务部秘书,在那里他指导了少数民族项目办公室的组建。
Alexa I. Canady,医学博士(1950)
Dr. Canady received her medical degree from the University of Michigan and completed her neurosurgical residency at the University of Minnesota. She became the first Black woman neurosurgeon, and after only four years practicing at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, she became chief of neurosurgery at 36. Other great achievements include inventing a programmable antisiphon shunt to treat hydrocephalus (fluid accumulation inside the brain).">加拿大博士她在密歇根大学获得医学学位,并在明尼苏达大学完成神经外科住院医师培训。她成为第一位黑人女性神经外科医生,仅在密歇根儿童医院实习四年后,她就在 36 岁时成为神经外科主任。其他伟大成就包括发明了一种可编程的反虹吸分流器来治疗脑积水(脑内积液)。
explore this comprehensive timeline.">要了解更多关于历史上为医疗保健做出卓越贡献的美国黑人,探索这个综合时间表.