Mountain West Shingo Study Tour. The annual event provides participants with the opportunity to visit and learn from world-class manufacturing facilities and Shingo Prize recipients for a first-hand look at facilities, cultures, and processes that demonstrate operational excellence. The sold-out event took place last week, September 17–19." data-gt-human-content="true">信吾研究所选择了位于犹他州盐湖城的功德医疗总部作为其西山信吾游学(英文)期间参观的示范设施之一。这一年度活动为参与者提供了参观和学习世界一流的生产设施和取奖获得者的机会,让他们亲身感受到展示卓越运营的设施、文化和流程。该活动于上周 9 月 17-19 日举行,场场爆满。
Shingo Model™, are designed to guide organizations toward operational excellence. Tenets include assuring quality at the source, leading with humility, creating value for the customer, and more. Attending the tour gave participants a deeper understanding of these principles, so they could use them to better their own organizations. Participants also had time to ask questions and network with peers and Shingo leadership." data-gt-human-content="true">信吾原则,作为更大的Shingo Model™(英文版)一部分 ,旨在引导组织实现卓越运营。宗旨包括从源头上保证质量、谦逊领导、为客户创造价值等等。参加这次旅行使参与者对这些原则有了更深入的了解,因此他们可以利用它们来改善自己的组织。参与者还有时间提问并与同行和信吾领导建立联系。
Merit Tijuana proudly received the Shingo Prize for demonstrating an exceptional culture that fosters continuous improvement and excellence. Similar to the Tijuana facility, Merit Salt Lake City also uses the Shingo Model as a guide, thereby offering tour participants an in-depth example of how Shingo principles apply within the facility, helping them to envision these standards implemented at other organizations." data-gt-human-content="true">今年早些时候,功绩蒂华纳公司自豪地获得了信吾奖以展示一种促进持续改进和卓越的卓越文化。与蒂华纳公司类似,优点盐湖城公司也使用取模型作为指南,从而为参观者提供了香取原则如何在公司内应用的深入示例,帮助他们设想在其他组织实施的这些标准。
Learn more about ways our worldwide facilities achieve operational excellence.">了解更多(英文)关于我们的全球公司实现卓越运营的方式。