Our goal at Merit Medical is to provide the highest-quality medical devices, equipping you to deliver effective diagnosis and treatment. One area of patient care where high-quality devices are crucial is biopsy procedures. Biopsies are critical tools in the diagnostic process. They help determine the presence and extent of disease and are significant to developing appropriate care plans. "> 我们在优医的目标是提供最优质的医疗设备,使您能够提供有效的诊断和治疗。高质量设备至关重要的患者护理领域之一是活检程序。活检是诊断过程中的关键工具。它们有助于确定疾病的存在和程度,对于制定适当的护理计划非常重要。
TEMNO Elite ™ Biopsy System">TEMNO Elite™活检系统
TEMNO Elite Biopsy System is designed to provide you with superior soft tissue samples and total control during procedures. Its advanced features allow for samples 72% larger than competitor side-notch, semi-automatic devices.1 Available in a variety of sizes, the TEMNO Elite is ideal for procedures in many parts of the body, including kidney, liver, and lung.">新的TEMNO精英活检系统旨在为您提供卓越的软组织样本和手术过程中的全面控制。其先进的功能允许样品大 72%比竞争对手的侧切半自动设备。1TEMNO精英有多种尺寸可供选择,非常适合身体许多部位的手术,包括肾脏,肝脏和肺部。
Achieve® Programmable Automatic Biopsy System">实现®可编程自动活检系统
Achieve Programmable Automatic Biopsy System. This lightweight, automatic device is spring-loaded for fast, accurate penetration when working with calcified or fibrous lesions. For more precision, the Achieve offers three programmable firing modes.">只需一只手,您现在就可以从仪器的精确控制和质量采样能力中受益实现可编程自动活检系统。这轻巧的自动装置装有弹簧,可在处理钙化或纤维病变时快速、准确地穿透。为了更精确,实现提供了三种可编程的点火模式。
Pink Achieve™ Biopsy Device">粉色实现™活检装置
Pink Achieve Biopsy Device allows you one-handed use and convenient ultrasound transducer manipulation during breast biopsies. Visualize needle placement before sample retrieval by using the delayed firing option. A coaxial introducer enables multiple sampling from one percutaneous puncture, minimizing damage to surrounding tissue.">易于使用,轻巧的设计粉色实现活检装置允许你在乳房活检期间单手使用和方便的超声换能器操作。使用延迟发射选项在样本检索之前可视化针的位置。同轴引入器使一次经皮穿刺多次取样,减少对周围组织的伤害。
Adjustable Coaxial TEMNO™ (ACT) Biopsy Device">可调同轴temno™(act)活检装置
ACT Biopsy Device allows you to adjust sample size for precise control when working with small lesions and in vascular areas. Reposition the stylet prior to sample capture for greater confidence. Echogenic markings facilitate precise ultrasound placement.">第表演活检装置让您调整样本量用于精确控制在处理小病变和血管区域时。在样本采集之前重新定位探针以获得更大的信心。回声标记有助于精确的超声定位。
Original TEMNO™ Biopsy Device">原创TEMNO™活检装置
Original TEMNO Biopsy Device features a 20-mm sample notch for quality sample retrieval and comes in a variety of sizes and gauges. With a sharp bevel tip and depth marks every centimeter (including echogenic markings), it allows you to complete precise sampling for breast, kidney, liver, lung, and thyroid biopsies.">我们的原装temno活检装置特点a20 毫米样品槽口用于高质量的样本检索,并提供各种尺寸和规格。有了锋利的斜角尖端和深度标记每厘米(包括回声标记),它可以让您完成精确的采样乳房、肾脏、肝脏、肺和甲状腺活检。
TEMNO Evolution® Biopsy Device">TEMNO Evolution®活检装置
TEMNO Evolution Biopsy Device features two notch sizes (10 mm or 20 mm) for clinical flexibility and precise sampling. Its compact, ergonomic design and tactile-enhanced plunger support increased comfort and one-handed operation. The coaxial introducer allows you to collect multiple samples from a single puncture with minimal damage to surrounding tissue.">优点temno进化活检装置具有两种凹口尺寸(10 毫米或 20 毫米),用于临床灵活性和精确采样。它的紧凑、符合人体工程学的设计和触感增强的柱塞支撑增加了舒适度和单手操作。同轴引入器允许您从一次穿刺中收集多个样本,而对周围组织的损伤最小。
Tru-Cut® Biopsy Device">truo - cut®活检装置
Tru-Cut Biopsy Device. It features a 20-mm specimen notch, a thin-wall needle to yield a larger core, and removable stylet to obtain multiple tissue samples. Centimeter depth markings assist in needle placement.">手动采集样本最小的患者创伤使用真切活检装置。它具有一个 20 毫米的样品槽口,一个薄壁针头产生更大的核心, 和可拆卸的管心针获取多个组织样本。厘米深度标记有助于针的放置。
bob sports to discuss how you can incorporate Merit’s biopsy products into your practice today.">在功绩,我们致力于提供高质量的活检解决方案,帮助您照顾患者。通过与医疗保健提供者密切合作以了解临床需求,我们可以创新新设备并改进现有技术,以改善患者体验。与您的绩效代表交谈或联系客户支持今天讨论如何将功绩的活检产品纳入您的实践。
- 内部测试18G。文件上的数据。TEMNO精英设备(ECN147270)的营销声明。
- 18 Gauge,存档数据,Merit Medical,2015年。