As medical technology rapidly evolves, it’s vital that physicians have access to training to match the pace. b0b体育app下载 is renowned for providing advanced, highly specialized training to physicians across the globe."> 随着医疗技术的快速发展,医生必须接受培训以适应步伐。Merit Medical的Think Radial®教育计划以向全球医生提供先进、高度专业化的培训而闻名。
Potential advantages of distal radial access may include lessened risk of hematoma while maintaining hand functionality for patients, and for operators, may supply enhanced ergonomics and comfort during the procedure. On average, it also requires less intensive post-procedural care from nurses and support staff.">远端桡动脉入路的潜在优势可能包括降低血肿风险,同时为患者和操作员保持手部功能,可以在手术过程中提供增强的人体工程学和舒适度。平均而言,它还需要护士和支持人员提供较少密集的术后护理。
“Now more than ever there are so many ways to consume medical information,” says Sandeep Nathan, MD, MSc, FACC, FSCAI, interventional cardiologist at the University of Chicago and Think Radial proctor. “It behooves us to use those resources to evolve in our careers and procedures certainly, but most importantly, to do right by our patients.”"> “现在消费医疗信息的方式比以往任何时候都多,”Sandeep Nathan,医学博士,理学硕士,FACC, FSCAI,芝加哥大学的介入心脏病专家和认为径向监考员说。“我们当然应该利用这些资源来发展我们的职业和程序,但最重要的是,为我们的患者做正确的事。”
“Physician education allows us to remain at the forefront of knowledge,” says Darren Klass, MD, PhD, MRCS, FRCR, FRCPC, interventional radiologist at the Vancouver General Hospital and Think Radial proctor. “In many instances, the procedure itself may not fundamentally change; however, new techniques and equipment that make the procedure safer and more effective can improve patient outcomes.”"> “医师教育使我们能够保持在知识的最前沿,”Darren Klass医学博士,博士,mrc, FRCR, FRCPC,温哥华总医院的介入放射科医生和认为径向监考员。“在许多情况下,程序本身可能不会从根本上改变,然而,使手术更安全,更有效的新技术和设备可以改善患者的治疗效果。”
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Register for the course, or explore more of our Think Education™ program. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus or seeing you online.">注册课程,或探索更多我们的Think Education™计划.我们期待着欢迎您来到我们的校园或在网上见到您。
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