Catalog number Extension name 1 Extension last 2 The label details The French size (F) The length of the The inner diameter # port side Recommend godet The length of the welding head Traffic (1 ml/SEC) Flow 2 (psi) Flow 3 (kg/cm squared) disinfection Do not contain latex Shipping carton quantity GS1 GTIN unit GTIN carton GTIN shipper
57538 cs - WOR Intravenous selector Angiographic catheter Coronary artery 5 f 75 cm. 0.046 "(1.17 mm) Port 0 side 0.038 "(0.97 mm) 4.3 cm 20 ml/SEC 953 psi 66 kg/cm2 ETO is 5
57538 CSHK - WOR Intravenous selector Angiographic catheter CS hook 5 f 75 cm. 0.046 "(1.17 mm) Port 0 side 0.038 "(0.97 mm) 3.3 cm 20 ml/SEC 953 psi 66 kg/cm2 ETO is 5
57538 the CSV - WOR Intravenous selector Angiographic catheter CS vertebral body 5 f 75 cm. 0.046 "(1.17 mm) Port 0 side 0.038 "(0.97 mm) 4.0 cm 20 ml/SEC 953 psi 66 kg/cm2 ETO is 5