On demand courses
Merit Medical physician education offers a variety of forms - virtual video meeting, face to face courses, on-demand webinar in and around the continuing education credits design courses.We will be your education in your hands, and provide to meet your format, no matter where you are.
Discover why top doctors use the distal radial artery pathway
THINK RADIAL the supervisor
Interventional cardiologist
Ferdinand Kiemeneij, m.d., Ph.D., Dr
Internationally recognized "the father of via radial artery intervention" American guest and joint invigilation IC advanced courses
The Netherlands, the ancient Iraq
Sandeep Nathan, m.d., Ph.D., a master of science
Cardiac catheterization laboratory at the university of Chicago medical center and associate professor of medicine, director of the joint
Chicago, Illinois in the United States
Interventional radiologists and nerve radiologists
Darren Klass, m.d., Ph.D., Ph.D., MRCS, FRCR, FRCPC
Clinical assistant professor, MRI than General Hospital medical director
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ajit s. Puri, m.d., Ph.D., DM, DMRE
Cerebrovascular comprehensive program at the university of Massachusetts medical center and neural professor and director of the interventional radiology/surgical department
Worcester, Massachusetts in the United States