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The phrenic pathway

Merit that dominate the practicality of the diaphragmatic education plans to provide the necessary tools and techniques, to carry out effective and successful electrophysiological interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery.Course covers closed the phrenic pathway by blood vessels, especially for early career electric physiologist and electrophysiological researchers design.Think Transseptal led by the world famous expert teachers, using a variety of teaching mode, including clinical data review, field case presentation and teaching demonstration.

On demand courses

Merit Medical physician education offers a variety of forms - virtual video meeting, face to face courses, on-demand webinar in and around the continuing education credits design courses.We will be your education in your hands, and provide to meet your format, no matter where you are.

Physician education - on-demand and live - Merit Medical


Amin Al - Dr Ahmad - Think Transseptal Physician Education

Amin Al - Ahmad, md, FHRS, FACC, CCDS

Austin, Texas, USA Texas arrhythmia st David medical center research institute of clinical cardiac electrophysiology
Al - Dr Ahmad at Syracuse university in New York completed the bioengineering undergraduate study.He went on to complete a medical degree at tufts university school of medicine in Boston.Al - Dr Ahmad at tufts university to continue his medical studies, completed a medical internship and residency, general cardiology research and cardiac electrophysiological study gold.After graduating from medical school, Dr Al - Ahmad also served as lecturer at tufts university school of medicine.After the Tufts, he teaches at Stanford university school of medicine in California for ten years, and then joined the Austin Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia.At tufts university and Stanford university tenure, Dr Ahmed won a number of distinguished teaching award.In addition, Al - Dr Ahmad is involved in the field of cardiac electrophysiology research and publishing, as the main author or co-author of numerous scientific articles, and electrophysiology more common editor of the book.He has also had many published in the United States and the international on papers and lectures in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.In addition to private practice, Al - Dr Ahmad also continue to actively participate in a large number of research funding and project.Al - Dr Ahmad special areas of interest is room and ventricular arrhythmias ablation and the evaluation of new technology and development.
Andrea - Think Dr Natale Transseptal Physician Education

Andrea Natale, md, FACC, FHRS, FESC

Austin, Texas, USA Texas arrhythmia st David medical center medical director of the institute of execution
Dr Andrea Natale graduated with honors from the medical and surgical specialty, and received board certification of cardiovascular disease and clinical cardiac electrophysiology.He is the executive, medical director of the institute of st. Louis Texas arrhythmia.David Austin, Texas medical center, as well as the HCA, a health-care medical director of cardiac electrophysiology country.A professional researchers and pioneer, Dr Natale, focus on innovation progress in treatment of atrial fibrillation.He developed an used to correct the circumference of ultrasound vein ablation of atrial fibrillation system, as well as the world's first batch of the surgery patients.He was the first American to percutaneous epicardial radiofrequency ablation electrophysiology home, this is a failure to conventional ablation treatment.He has also developed some current dysrhythmia treatment strategies based on catheter, such as a left back wall ablation or isolation, coronary sinus and superior vena cava treatment of atrial fibrillation, homogenization of scar treatment of ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation for pu Ken wild ablation of the system.He USES new technologies to promote the development of the field of cardiac electrophysiology and to improve the long-term results of electrophysiological program, for example by using half saline flushing enhancing melting of the high power short to create better and faster through wall lesion or closure of patients with persistent left closed around the radio frequency energy, vascular plug or coil equipment leakage.For the first time he has been and continues to participate in many human trials to test the equipment, such as ablation catheter with contact force sensing technology, three-dimensional intracardiac echocardiography ultrasound probe and the new left closing device.He recently conducted the first preclinical and clinical research, to develop and improve the ablation catheter and using a new type called irreversible electroporation, breakthrough ablation energy. 他还执行了美国的第一例病例。 Natale 博士拥有多项救生医疗设备的专利,其中包括一种用于治疗心房颤动的设备。 Natale 博士的主要研究兴趣包括临床心脏电生理学、除颤机制、信号平均、室上性心律失常的消融治疗、血栓形成对血小板聚集的影响,以及不稳定型心绞痛和心肌梗死后患者的 TxA2 代谢产物产生。 Natale 博士曾在多所著名大学担任教职,包括杜克大学、斯坦福大学和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的戴尔医学院。 他曾受邀在全球数百个专题讨论会和会议上发表演讲,并在高影响力的同行评审期刊上发表了许多关于起搏和电生理学的文章,此外还担任多个主要医学期刊的编委。 他是著名的《研究性心脏电生理学杂志》的主编,该杂志是这一高度专业化的心脏病学领域中发行时间最长的期刊。 在他辉煌的职业生涯中,他获得了许多荣誉,其中包括连续几年获得克利夫兰诊所年度创新奖、2012 年第一人道主义奖、2017 年 Eric N. Prystowsky 患者倡导者奖和最近的著名得克萨斯之星每年表彰一个人,以表彰他们对德克萨斯州和全国医疗保健的杰出贡献。 他非常热衷于教授下一代心脏电生理学家。 在他主持的许多国家和国际课程和会议中,他特别自豪地创建和扩展了全球 EPLive,这是一个针对执业电生理学家和培训研究员的尖端密集型会议,由四个部分组成:AF 消融、 VT 消融、设备和新技术。 一个由公认的专家组成的小组在现场和录制的案例中提供评论和讨论。 EP Live 于 2012 年首次在德克萨斯州奥斯汀成功举办,随后在意大利米兰举办; 阿联酋迪拜; 哥伦比亚波哥大; 印度班加罗尔。
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