bob体育imSwiftNINJA ® micro catheter can be manipulated

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Without godet vessels

SwiftNINJA, a straight pipe, can be as high as 180 degrees in the opposite direction of the articulated, mouth to quickly select the most challenging blood vessels.Speed, control and transmission within easy reach.

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bob体育imSwiftNINJA ® micro catheter can be manipulated

SwiftNINJA micro catheter can be manipulated in [use]

Features and benefits

Tube tip joints

SwiftNINJA to micro catheter steering wheel

Unique ergonomic steering wheel allows the catheter tip deflection to the opposite direction from the straight line direction, maximum 180 degrees.To provide steering control in the body.

Multidimensional steering

SwiftNINJA micro catheter can be manipulated

Can use the catheter tip anatomical structure of difficult intubation for embolization.Once the catheter is forming for curve, when you turn catheter and advance through the vascular system, when you move in three plane at the same time, this will provide "2 d turn".

Manipulation of the lock

SwiftNINJA to micro catheter steering lock

Once cutting-edge positioning in the desired location, it can keep its shape to "lock" in the position.Tips will keep the position of the embolism is placed, without worrying about recoil displacement, loss of position or embolism.

Tungsten wire weaving shaft

SwiftNINJA controlled micro catheter sheath

Weaving shaft enhanced shaft support and provide a boost.

Hydrophilic coating

SwiftNINJA controlled micro catheter hydrophilic coating

Hydrophilic coating distal 80 centimeter, used for motivated weaving shaft and the distal tip deflection to ensure the success of the catheter to the desired location.

Perspective visualization

SwiftNINJA tags can be turned to micro catheter tip

Two radiopaque markers belt, used to enhance navigation and advanced placement.

The distal tip cross section

SwiftNINJA steerable micro catheter tip diameter

A close-up of tip can be manipulated

SwiftNINJA duct size can be manipulated

The document

Check the manuabob体育iml and instructions, learn about SwiftNINJA ® steerable micro catheter for more information.

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