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SAVI Brachy - Merit Medical - reduce the burden of cancer

Targeted accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) only 2-5 days * reduce interact with patients

SAVI Brachy provides a pillar based organization keep dosimetry methods, designed to maximize the ease of use during the placement, while providing unparalleled dose of custom.Using SAVI tertiary treatment plan can be finished in a short span of 2 days of APBI effective treatment2, significantly reducing the contact interaction between patients and medical staff.

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Introduce SAVI nearly

SAVI near by using thin tube (catheter) radiation directly to the tumor resection.Duct expansion gently to adapt to the tumor size and shape of the cavity.A tiny radiation seed through each tube in order to provide accurate dose of radiation, according to the target group of the exact size, shape or position.

The characteristics and advantages

SAVI nearly meet is how to work?

SAVI Brachy - step 1 - place

Place the

SAVI nearly meet source applicator through a small incision in closed position gently inserted into the tumor cavity, the process is usually in the doctor's office.

SAVI Brachy - step 2 - extension


Catheter gently to conform to the shape of the cavity expansion.This only at the beginning of the treatment.

SAVI Brachy - step 3 - radiation transport

Radiation transfer

Once the catheter is in place, radiation oncologists treatment, twice daily for 2 to 5 days.At the end of catheter connect to the computerized conveying system, the system will be painless delivery to tiny radioactive seeds in each tube.Every time after treatment, radiation sources are completely removed, the body will not remain any radiation between the two treatments.

SAVI Brachy - step 4 - removed

Take out the

After the last radiation treatment, the doctor will shut down equipment and removed by inserting the same initial incision.

Clinical data

Characteristic research:
Use nearly radiation therapy application in tertiary accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) is feasible and safe: TRIUMPH - T test preliminary results

For the first time report summary of the results

Of 200 patients in 2015 and XNUMX XNUMX 2017 month income groups

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.2019;104 (1) : 67-74.Doi: 10.1016 / j.i jrobp 2018.12.050.

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Goals and objectives

Main purpose:
The toxicity of 2 years

  • Goal: < 10% of the rate of severe toxic * (grade 3 or above)
  • Results: the three grade N = 3 (1.5%) N = 11 caps

Secondary objective:
2 years of beautiful.

  • Objective: > 80% of good/excellent
  • Results: 97.25% of good/excellent

3 years of local control:

  • Goal: 5% or less recurrence
  • Results: 1% 99% (local control)

The conclusion of the report

Ultrashort breast nearly after radiotherapy on dosimetry is feasible, and can achieve excellent short-term tolerability and low toxicity.

To learn more

Additional research

Peer review:L.E. Simon et al.(2022).Level 3 accelerated partial breast irradiation, nearly after radiotherapy,
Download the study

Case review: Yashar (2019).SAVI nearly after radiotherapy and TRIUMPH - T 2 days treatment.
Download the case study

Peer review:Wilkinson JB, Chen PY, Wallace MF, etc.(2018).Use 2 day dosage plan a big split accelerated partial breast irradiation results of phase I/II trial of six years.The American journal of clinical oncology. 2018;41 (10) : 986-991. The doi: 10.1097 / COC. 0000000000000402

Peer review:Yashar C, Attai D, E, butler, etc.(2016).Pillar based on accelerated partial breast irradiation: from a multicenter retrospective study of 250 consecutive five patients in the treatment of report results.Radiation therapy from close range. 2016;15 (6) : 780-787. The doi: 10.1016 / j.b rachy. 2016.07.002

Peer review:Rehman, Agarwal R, S Ochoa L et al.(2016).Accept implants pillar to adjust volume in patients with early breast cancer treatment toxicity of prospective analysis.Radiation therapy from close range.2016;15 (5) : 625-630.Doi: 10.1016 / j.b rachy 2016.04.008

Peer review:Mooney KE, Altman MB, Edward S.(2016).Pillar to adjust volume implant accelerated partial breast irradiation dosimetry standards.Radiation therapy from close range. 2016;15 (5) : 616-624. The doi: 10.1016 / j.b rachy. 2016.05.002

Steiner, et al.(2015).Female low risk of invasive breast carcinoma in situ breast surgery more than using a single interstitial catheter after close radiotherapy accelerated partial breast irradiation and strengthen the whole breast irradiation results: 5 years randomized, phase 3, the effect of inferior quality.2016;387 (10015) : 229-238, 16 years on 2016. 10.1016.7 - XNUMX doi: (00471) (15), 00471-7 / fulltext

Consensus statement

SAVI Brachy - patient selection criteria - Merit Medical Patient selection criteria PDF

Shah, Vicini F, C Shaitelman SF, et al.(2017).The American association of close radiotherapy consensus statement about accelerated partial breast irradiation.Radiation therapy from close range. 2018;17 (1) : 154-170. The doi: 10.1016 / j.b rachy. 2017.09.004

The American society of breast surgeons (2011).Accelerated partial breast irradiation consensus statement.

The American society of radiology and oncology (2016).Consensus statement on partial breast irradiation. (16), 30184-9 / fulltext

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  2. Khan AJ, Chen PY, Yashar C, etc.Use close radiotherapy application for the three parts of accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) is feasible and safe: TRIUMPH - T test preliminary results.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2019;104 (1) : 67-74. The doi: 10.1016 / j.i jrobp. 2018.12.050
  3. Hannoun - Levi JM, Resch A, Gal J, etc.Interstitial radiotherapy accelerated partial breast irradiation from close range as the second kind of conservative treatment of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence: GEC - ESTRO breast cancer working group multicenter study.Radiation oncology. 2013;108 (2) : 226-231. The doi: 10.1016 / j.r adonc. 2013.03.026
  4. Yashar C, Scanderbeg D et al.Support for accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) adjust volume (SAVI) breast implant close radiotherapy equipment preliminary clinical experience: before more than 1 year of follow-up in 100 patients.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.In January 80, 2011;3 (765) : 70 - XNUMX.
  5. Fan Linbo root E and Ma Zelong JJ.Breast cancer.In A and Potter Gerbaulet R, Mazeron JJ, Meertens H and Van Limbergen E (Eds).GEC ESTRO radiotherapy manual close at hand.Leuven, Belgium ACCO.In 2002,
  6. Vratislav Strnad, m.d., Ph.D., Csaba Polgar, m.d., Ph.D., et al.Low-risk women breast invasive carcinoma in situ and breast surgery more than using a single interstitial catheter after radiotherapy and whole breast irradiation from close range on five years of results: randomized, phase 3, not the bad effect.GEC - ESTRO lancet, XNUMX. 2015

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