SplashWire ™ hydrophilic thread can be manipulated

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SPLASHWire godet - straight and curved tip

It's time to redesign your thread

Ten years, manufacturing high quality thread and the time it takes to fight against competitors.Merit SplashWire combines the best lubricity, excellent torque response and enhance visibility, even in the most complex situations can also help you achieve the success of the expected results.

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Introduce Splashwire godet

The characteristics and advantages

Proved to provide better torque response1

Contrast test showed that the torque Merit SplashWire always meet 1:1 torque target, this is different from torque response of the market leaders exaggerated.As shown in the figure below, the most close to the target line bar said real one-on-one torque capacity.

SplashWire compared with market leaders - torque response

The kink resistance, lubricity, compatibility

Kink of Nitinol core allows the thread when the anatomic structure of navigation and keep in shape.

Compatible with other equipment, can be achieved through challenging vasculature good traceability.

Smooth surfaces can reduce friction and inserted through a complex lesions.

Through the difficult lesions

The success of clinical results.

Elastic hydrophilic coating
The guide provides a constant fluid layer on the surface, to enhance its pathological changes.

Nickel-titanium memory alloy core
Provide real 1:1 torque response, so that smooth sailing in the tortuous blood vessels.1

Tungsten into the polymer shell
Combined with Nitinol spool thread, under the perspective of visual effect can be improved, so as to realize accurate positioning.

Use the SplashWIRE option cope with the challenge of surgery

SplashWire bend and straight head

Angle and the vertical wire head

When you need to increase flexibility.

Rigid configuration

When need more support and motivated.

SEADRAGON2 ™ torque device

Can be used to enhance to the operation of the thread head.

Via radial artery hydrophilic choice

- Angle and the straight type
When using the radial artery pathway thread length is 220 cm

Small blood vessels intubation

0.018 "& 0.025" diameter thread -
To optimize the small blood vessels of intubation shaft support and torque capacity

To improve the durability of the best lubricity1

Merit SplashWire elastic hydration gel coating can provide better than the market-leading hydrophilic godet constant lubrication.

1. The file test data.

The document

View your product documentation, learn about Merit SplashWire for more information.


The order information

How to read Merit SplashWire part Numbers

MSWSTDA35260EX example (part Numbers) MSW STD a. 35 260 The EX
Merit Splash Wire Standards bodies stiffness Angle of wire head shape 0.35 "diameter The total length 260 cm Change the length of the
Number of cartons: 5
The trademark