编辑页面标题Merit Medical获得Vizient的BiopSafe®智能系统创新技术认定- Merit Medical
编辑元描述BiopSafe®智能系统获得了最大的会员驱动型医疗保健公司Vizient, Inc .颁发的2018年创新技术认定


Merit Medical的BiopSafe®智能系统获得Vizient创新技术认定

BiopSafe® smart system has received a 2018 Innovative Technology designation from Vizient, Inc., the largest member-driven health care performance improvement company in the country. The designation was based on the recommendations of health care experts serving on a member-led council who interacted with the product shown at the Vizient Innovative Technology Exchange held on Oct. 4, 2018. The council determined the technology had the potential to enhance clinical care, patient safety, health care worker safety or improve business operations of health care organizations.">犹他州南约旦- 7年2019月XNUMX日- Merit Mbob综合app官网edical Systems宣布其BiopSafe®智能系统已获得Vizient, Inc .的2018年创新技术认定,该公司是该国最大的会员驱动型医疗保健绩效改进公司。该认定是基于在成员领导的委员会中服务的医疗保健专家的建议,他们与2018年月XNUMX日举行的Vizient创新技术交流会上展示的产品进行了互动。委员会确定该技术具有增强临床护理的潜力、患者安全、卫生保健工作者安全或改善卫生保健组织的业务运营。

BiopSafe smart system is a specially designed vial used for biopsy samples that is designed to eliminate exposure to Formalin, a 30% to 50% aqueous solution of formaldehyde that is commonly used in preserving tissue samples. Numerous studies have linked formaldehyde exposure with health hazards, including respiratory discomfort after inhalation and skin irritation due to spills and leaks. Formaldehyde is also known to have mutagenic potential, and it is listed as a known carcinogen by several international and US domestic health safety organizations.">BiopSafe智能系统是一种专门设计的小瓶,用于活检样本,旨在消除对福尔马林的暴露,福尔马林是一种 30% 至 50% 的甲醛水溶液,通常用于保存组织样本。许多研究已将甲醛暴露与健康危害联系起来,包括吸入后的呼吸不适以及溢出和泄漏引起的皮肤刺激。甲醛也被认为具有诱变潜力,被多个国际和美国国内健康安全组织列为已知的致癌物质。

Biopsafe smart system is that formalin is capsuled in a sealed repository in the lid of the vial. After the tissue sample is placed in the bottom of the container, the lid is fastened and gentle pressure is applied to release Formalin to cover the biopsy. Because the entire process is performed inside the sealed vial, the Formalin is not aerosolized, thus mitigating risk of exposure while preserving the integrity of the biopsy sample in a simple and efficient manner.">作为关键的设计考虑因素,Biopsafe智能系统可将福尔马林封装在小瓶盖的密封储存库中。将组织样本放入容器底部后,盖上盖子并轻轻施加压力以释放福尔马林以覆盖活检。由于整个过程在密封小瓶内进行,福尔马林不会雾化,从而降低暴露风险,同时以简单有效的方式保持活检样本的完整性。





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