Terms of use

Release date: on XNUMX 2014-8 yearsDownload the printable version of the terms of use.

When you use a link or reference the terms and conditions of the site, mobile applications, or other online services (collectively referred to as "services"), the terms of use (" terms ") apply.These tebob综合app官网rms is you and Merit Medical Systems, Inc. (" Merit Medical ", "us" or "we") between the legal contract, therefore read these terms carefully before using the service is very important.Your use of the service indicates that you agree to abide by the terms and subject to the constraints.If you do not agree to these terms, please do not access or use of the service.

These terms include guarantee disclaimer (article 12), liability disclaimer (13), and about your ability to lodge a claim against us some restrictions of information (article 15).

1. The general

We can decide at any time change the terms and conditions or modify the service of any function.Click the service at the bottom of the page of "terms of use" link to view the latest version of the terms and conditions.If you change after the release of continue to use the service, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes.

You may need to provide certain registration details or other information in order to access all or part of the service.You agree to the information you provide is correct and the latest and complete.Merit Medical reserves the refuse you to access the service and to suspend or terminate your access rights, including the Merit that the registration information you provide is not correct, not as good as or incomplete rights.

Some parts of the service may include information for the use of licensed health care professional.As a result, we will keep the service access restricted to certain parts of the is in line with our access to these services standard user rights.

2. Comply with applicable law

As you access and use of the service conditions, you agree not to use the service for illegal or prohibited by these terms and conditions for any purpose, and you will comply with all applicable laws, and these terms and conditions of any conditions or restrictions on the terms and conditions.

3. Privacy

Through the use of the service, you indicate that you understand the information collection, use, disclosure and described in the practicePrivacy policy.

4. Medical information

Any content of the service are not intended to provide medical advice.Service may contain general information related to the various medical condition and its treatment.This information is for reference only and does not replace a doctor or other qualified health care professionals to provide advice.You should not use the information contained in the service to diagnose the health or health problem or disease.About you may be suffering from any disease or you may be considering any medical, please be sure to consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional.

5. To order products

If you through the service from Merit Medical order any product, it indicates that you do so in accordance with all government authorities about Medical equipment sales, use, export and import of all applicable laws, rules, regulations, requirements and regulations. You buy these products will comply with the Merit of the Medical standard purchase terms and conditions, is located inhere, if not with Merit Medical sign a separate agreement signed, to manage the products you buy.

6. Copyright

Services (including but not limited to text, pictures, graphics, video and audio content and computer code) in the United States and other countries/regions are protected by copyright law.Merit Medical reserves all rights, title and interests of the service.In addition to your content on the service, or unless given Merit Medical explicit written authorization, otherwise you may not publish, copy, distribute, access to the data, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, transfer, or to use any part of the service in any way, but you can print or download service for personal, non-commercial use or promoting your legal and proper and Merit Medical business.In doing so, you are not allowed to delete or change or to delete or change any service in any copyright, trademark or other proprietary claim.You access this web site will not be any service rights, ownership, license or other interest to you, Merit Medical reserves to print or download all of the materials from the service of all rights, title and interests.Using the above contents from the licensing requests should be submitted to the outside[email protection]Please note that Merit that dominate in the law allows within the scope of the biggest its intellectual property rights.

As Merit Medical requires the user to respect us and our subsidiaries and partners of copyright, we also respect the rights of others.If you sincerely believe that your copyrighted works in the case of unauthorized to constitute an infringement of copyright way copy on our website, you can inform us by mail designated copyright agent, or by mail to the legal department, 1600 w. Merit Pkwy, South Jordan, UT 84095, or to the United States[email protection]In a written form, please provide our copyright agent with the following information:

  • Is authorized to act on behalf of the alleged to be infringing the exclusive rights of the owner of the electronic or physical signature;
  • Identification of the copyrighted works by or alleged infringement works of representative listing;
  • Identify the alleged infringement materials and reasonable enough to let us find the material information;
  • Your name, address, telephone number and E-mail address, so that we can contact with you when necessary.
  • A statement that you sincerely believe that the disputed use without the copyright owner, its agent, or legal authorization;and
  • You, according to a statement from the perjury to declare the above information in your notice is accurate, and you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

7. The trademark

Service product names, company names, product names, logos, service marks, trade dress, banners, product packaging and design all right, no matter whether in large font or trademark symbol appeared, all belong to Merit that dominate, the licensor or to its respective owners, and according to the national and international trademark and copyright are protected, shall not copy, imitation, diluted or confusing or misleading.Unless allowed here, explicitly banned use or misuse of the trademarks or any materials, in the service has not been any express or implied grants you Merit Medical, the licensee any parent company and subsidiary company or any right or license under the trademark, or any third party.

8. Behavior is forbidden

You may not access or use or attempt to access or use of the service to take anything that might harm us or any third party, interfere with the service, or use of the service behavior in violation of any law.But not limited to, for example, you may not:

  • In any constitute infringement of our rights or other user or the third party rights (including intellectual property) use the service.
  • Access your service part of unauthorized, or attempt to circumvent impose any restrictions on your use of or access to services.
  • Take any violation or threatened violation of our system or network security operations, including on our network infrastructure or unreasonable or disproportionately large load of any action
  • The use of any equipment, software or routine to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the service or any activity on the service, or any attempt to probe, scan, test system or network vulnerabilities or undermine its security;
  • Attempting to decode, decompiling, disassembling or reverse engineering to form or forming part of the service in any manner any software.
  • Engaged in unauthorized "grab" or crawl, or collect personal information, or any unauthorized use of automated means to compile information.
  • Interfere with any other user privacy and public rights, including the collection or collected from or about the user's information;
  • Submit prohibited by these terms and conditions or does not conform to the terms of content, or you have no right to release the content
  • Engaged in any other restrictions or prohibit any others to use or enjoy the service behavior.

Violation of these terms and conditions may result in civil or criminal liability.

Keep Merit Medical monitor your use of service in order to determine compliance with these terms and conditions of the right.We may investigate violation of the provisions, and may cooperate with law enforcement to prosecute violation of these terms and conditions of the user or others.We may also share information with other systems administrator, to help them solve or prevent potential safety related events.If you suspected of violating the terms and conditions, we reserve the right to terminate your access to services.


Service of any password for personal use only.You should be responsible for the security of the password (if any).Merit Medical reserves the right to monitor your password and ask you to change password, including Merit Medical don't think password safe.

10. The third party web site links

Service may be linked to the third party control of other web sites (" linked sites ").These provisions do not apply to link to the website.Merit Medical provides such links only for the convenience of the user.Merit that dominate any liability not any link to the website, or any link to the website content, completeness, accuracy, security, or any Suggestions are put forward.All users access to the link site's own risk.

11. Submit

Merit Medical welcome you put forward opinions and Suggestions.Give Merit that dominate all submissions by service (including you submit any comments, Suggestions, ideas, materials, information or other content) have become a Merit that dominate property.By submitting, you agree to all the material, the idea of all worldwide rights, title and interest (including any and all forms, media and technology of all copyright and other intellectual property rights) transferred to Merit Medical, information and other content you submit.Merit can dominate in its business (including its AD) and other efforts to use, copy, modify, adapt, distribute, publish, translation, execution, and display of any and all content, without having to take any responsibility for you.

Merit Medical banned some submission, including but not limited to submit consists of the following materials:

  • You have no right to post
  • To promote illegal activities
  • Vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or indecent
  • Is directly related to service does not
  • Offensive, racist or threatening to others
  • Advertising for any business activities or engaged in commercial activities in other way, unless specifically authorized in service
  • To seek capital, advertisers or sponsors
  • Is false, deceptive or misleading
  • Contain viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other designed to interrupt, destroy or limit any computer software, hardware, or telecommunications functions of computer code files or programs.
  • To contain prohibited content links, or
  • Otherwise in violation of the provisions

We reserve the right to delete or reject any submission.You for your submission to assume full responsibility for the content, and acknowledge and agree that Merit Medical or Merit Medical provide any services to any third party are not any submissions or assume any responsibility.


The service is provided "as-is" as is ".We do not guarantee service will not interrupt or no errors.Through service to provide information or materials there may be delays, omissions, interrupt and inaccuracies.MERIT MEDICAL within the scope of the law allows the biggest does not undertake any and all such statements and guarantee.If you rely on services and through services provided by any material, you will be completely on their own risk

Without limiting the above general cases, the law allows the maximum range, Merit Medical does not assume any and all of (A) merchantability or suitable for A particular purpose, (B) to the infringement of patent infringement, (C) is associated with the transmission or delivery of services, (D) and on the services provided by the data accuracy, reliability, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of, or by Merit MEDION display, upload or distribute in service or through the services provided by the statement, or other material or database, and the performance, performance, or other ACTS or omissions of guarantee, provided by the optimal DE Medical treatment or to any third party.In addition, does not guarantee service will meet your needs or requirements or any others needs or requirements.

MERIT MEDICAL do not make any express or implied warranties or representations (A) through the services provided by the information there will be no error, omission, interruption, defects or delayed operation, or technical error (or errors) service will be provided at any given time or place (C) defects or errors will be corrected in the service, or (D) service content does not contain A virus or other harmful components.Any information about the services are subject to change without prior notice, MERIT MEDICAL service of all responsibility.We reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions in the services.

13.Limitation of liability

Under any circumstances, medical or its associated companies or to participate in the creation, production or provide service right of any party for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, special or punitive damages, unable to use the service or any website links, or cannot use any performance, error, transmission line or system failure, a computer virus.No matter the responsibility of the claim is based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or any other basis, these restrictions are applicable, even if the Merit Medical has been told the possibility of such damages.Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so in these jurisdictions, huade medical liability shall be limited to the scope permitted by law.

14. The compensation

Agree to compensate you Merit Medical and its parent, subsidiaries and affiliated companies and their owners, directors, senior staff, managers, employees, shareholders, agents, and the licensee (" compensation "), from the influence of all losses, expenses, for breach of this clause, or fails to fulfill any obligations involved in your use of the service and the cause of damage and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees.You agree to the repayment of any such default or unauthorized use does not assume any responsibility, and you agree to compensate the repayment from any and all claims, proceedings, v. (whatever form), losses, damages, ruling, judgments, fines, costs, expenses and attorney's fees (" claim ").You also agree to the because of your use of any information or other content from the service access or you submit to the service or cause to submit any information or other content to indemnify any and all claims on payments, and make them from damage.

We keep on we have the right to according to this section for any claim for compensation for the sole right to defense.In this case, you should provide us with our cooperation may reasonably require.

15. The claim to arbitration

Due to service or these terms and conditions (including but not limited to privacy policy) caused by or associated with any and all disputes, Merit Medical and you agree to negotiate and take reasonable efforts to cooperate sincerely, in order to reach a mutually satisfactory solution.If you and Merit Medical has not settled through informal negotiation any dispute, the dispute resolution of any other efforts will only through binding arbitration of mentioned in this section.You give up to the judge or jury in the court filed a lawsuit (or as members of the party or class participation) all disputes.On the contrary, all disputes will be settled before a neutral arbitrator, its decision will be final decision, but according to the federal arbitration law has a limited right of appeal.

Solve or bring any dispute on any of the BBS of any program will be carried out only based on the individual.Both you and Merit Medical will not seek any dispute as a class action or in any manner of one party to represent the identity or going to any other program.Without all affected the procedures of arbitration and all prior written consent of the parties concerned shall not be any arbitration or merger with another program.

Any arbitration provisions of this section will be according to the commercial arbitration rules of American arbitration association in Utah through binding arbitration confidentiality.Award of the arbitrators shall be binding, and can be used as the legal jurisdiction of the court's decision.Can you agree to Merit Medical from Utah has jurisdiction of the court to seek temporary or any necessary preliminary relief, in the arbitration prior to protect the rights or property.

Within the scope of the law, this article proceeds of any claim or dispute must be submitted to arbitration procedure within a year.The period from one can claim or dispute notice when start for the first time.


This agreement shall be governed by the laws and Utah in the United States.Through the use of the service, you give up according to the other state, country, region or the laws of the jurisdiction of any claims.These terms and conditions of the two sides agree that any dispute between the two parties related to the service's exclusive place in Salt Lake City, Utah state and federal courts, and you clearly agree to belong to personal jurisdiction in Utah.

17. In other jurisdictions

Services are designed to comply with applicable laws and regulations in the United States, with the Merit Medical product related service part only for the use of U.S. residents.Other countries/regions of legal and regulatory requirements and medical practices may be different with the United States.Due to differences in applicable laws and regulations, Merit Medical part or all of the products and services may not be able to use in certain countries/regions.Service may also link to Merit Medical operations and subsidiaries of other web sites, some of the sites located outside the United States, may contain information apply to other countries/regions.

Merit Medical reserve limit, geographical area, or to anyone jurisdictions to provide our products or services and/or limit the number of any product or service we provide.Services may include in your country/region, not with the Merit of a reference to the Medical products or services.Merit Medical do not make any express or implied statement, namely after any such products or services will be available in your country/region.You can direct the query product supply situation of your country/regionhere. In the case of a ban on this site to provide any product or service of any quotations are invalid.

18.Termination of

Merit Medical may at any time for any reason to terminate these terms and conditions.Merit Medical reserves the discretion to limit, suspend or terminate your access to and use of the service, regardless of whether prior notice.Provisions of other applicable part continue to be valid after the termination.In addition to any termination right, we will keep enforcement and prosecution of any violation of these terms and conditions of the rights.

19. Miscellaneous

Supplementary terms and conditions.Related to your use of service, in addition to these terms, you may also be asked to agree to the policies or terms and conditions.Before use this part of the service, please read carefully the supplementary policies and provisions.Unless otherwise specified, any supplementary terms and conditions will not change or replace these terms regarding use of the service.

No waiver.Merit Medical fails to perform any provision of this clause or to respond to you or to the other party's default behavior should not in any way to give up its then perform any terms or conditions of this clause or of similar breach the rights of action.

No partnership.You agree that you and Merit between Medical does not exist because of these terms and conditions of service or you to access and use of the joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relationship.

Entire agreement.Unless otherwise stated in the article, otherwise this clause constitutes you with Merit that dominate the entire agreement between, and govern your use of the service.If any part of this terms and conditions of the invalid or unenforceable, then this part should be in accordance with applicable law interpretation, as much as possible to reflect the original intention, the rest should be fully effective.